“I’m so worried my newborn won’t cooperate.” I hear this from Mom’s all of the time. I always tell Mom’s don’t worry as we will be fine and I’m patient! If you’re a first time Mom or this is your first time doing a newborn session I’m sure you have a lot of questions. Being prepared and following my tips will help to ensure for a fun and successful newborn photo session.
One important thing to try to do is contact me ahead of time so I can pencil you in for a newborn session. This will help ensure I will have time to do a session for you. My schedule varies from week to week so if you contact me after your newborn is born I may or may not have time available. If you are reading this and have already had your baby don’t think you are out of luck. Very often I’m able to still work out getting you in.
The goal for the newborn session is to get your baby to sleep. If they take a long nap in the morning before coming the chances go down of them falling asleep quickly. I obviously don’t want them to get overtired so just try to keep them awake 1 hour before the session. What can help in making this easier is giving them a bath.
When you arrive for your session, plan on feeding your baby. I will first have you get them down to a diaper. If they need a change this would be a good time to do it. Afterwards you can get them under a blanket to keep them warm and feed them. This helps a lot in getting your newborn asleep as well as full so they are less likely to wake up and need to eat.
For Moms that are nursing see this website for a list of some foods you may want to avoid before the session. These foods have a tendency to make newborns more gassy or fussy.
Once your newborn is fed and sleeping you can sit back and relax. Don’t worry at all if your newborn took awhile to fall asleep. I’ve done hundreds of newborn sessions and I’ve maybe had 3 or 4 babies sleep the whole time. Just relax and let yourself enjoy watching your newborn look so adorable!
If you follow the guidelines I have listed the session will be a success! I look forward to meeting you and your baby! Certainly message me if you have any questions.
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@Sara Martin Photography | All Rights Reserved
Newborn and Family Photographer located in Eau Claire Wisconsin.
(715) 254-8477